Post by Peih-Gee on Apr 16, 2015 6:27:33 GMT
Final four! I don't know if I expected to make it this far into the game, but here I am! Last round, Todd left. Fabio was our initial target, but he won immunity, so RC/Reynold/myself had to switch it up and vote for Todd, the next biggest end game threat. I played my idol, Todd/Fabio voted for me, but we had the numbers anyway to send Todd out the door. The plan from the beginning this round was to take Fabio out. He's had very little part in the elimination of most of the jury members, they seem bitter, and I pretty much voted them all of them out.
I know they'd love to vote for a player to win who didn't vote them out. Unfortunately, he ended up winning the final immunity challenge. It sucks, cause when I saw what it was, I figured that RC/Reynold/myself could work together to get Fabio out. Unfortunately, Reynold was a moron and decided he wanted me out first. I know, because RC was telling me what Reynold was saying. RC told him halfway through that if Fabio wins immunity, she'll vote for him. That seems to scare him into targeting Fabio, by then it was too late.
I don't know, I have no idea if it was even possible to plan out that challenge. Maybe Fabio's good at chess, RC/Reynold/myself didn't seem to have a clue what we're doing. Either way, it sucks. I'm fairly confident I would've won against RC/Reynold at the end. RC even said if she won immunity, she'd give it to me, cause Reynold would never force a tie against her, whereas he might against me, cause he was targeting me at the start after all. Now with Fabio at the end, it just feels like it's over. It's going through my mind the times we could've gotten him out earlier.
I just feel like I played a really good game, but it's all gone down the drain cause I let Fabio slip by. I did voice out when we booted Andrea, that it should be Fabio instead, cause he's better at challenges. But I played the Lotus on myself, so was immune, but didn't have a vote. I couldn't exactly convince them too much. Maybe I should've pushed it more. Fabio has a great shot at winning. He's pretty much got Brandon/Sierra's votes on lock, I could easily see him getting votes from Marty, Tyson and Andrea too. He didn't vote Todd out either.
I don't know, if I end up on the jury, I'd have a hard time voting for Fabio. He was one of my closest allies on Wuyi, but I ended up growing closer to others because he'd pretty much never talk game with me or discuss any strategy in great detail. I thought maybe he was just closed off with me, but apparently he was with others too. RC/Reynold definitely played aggressive games, that's why the jury is pissed at them, but I feel like the three of us shaped the course of this game. Don't get me wrong though, I love Fabio. He's really nice, it's cause of that I'll be okay if he wins.
He's almost like Fabio from Nicaragua, in that he didn't play a strong strategic game, but he won challenges and didn't really backstab anyone. I think I'll have a case to win, but it's going to be a tough sell. Not to mention, it's going to be tough for me to make it to the end. I knew as soon as Fabio won, I'd have him/Reynold voting for me. They tried to convince RC to vote me out too, but thankfully, she stuck by me so I'd be able to compete in the fire making challenge. I tried to guilt trip Fabio into voting Reynold for an entire hour, but it was all for nothing.
Reynold said to me that if the two of us vote RC, RC votes him and Fabio votes me, then RC will leave 2-1-1 and we'll both be safe. I told him I'd vote RC if he would, but I knew he was lying and trying to get me out 2-1-1. That would be the stupidest way to go out, even more than Brandon! So a 2-2 tie it was, I had to face Reynold in a fire making challenge. I was pretty confident of my chances, I'm pretty decent at posting challenges and Reynold hasn't been too impressive at immunities. But with the stress and pressure of making the finals, anything can happen!
I practiced for a couple of hours, I struggled for a bit, but felt like I got the hang of it by the end. I feel like I did about as well as I possibly could've done! My biggest fear was folding under the pressure, but I stayed pretty cool, calm and collected. If I go out, at least I know I gave it my best shot. It does feel like it's a major hill to climb to win this game, I have to make a fire just to make it to the end, then somehow convince the jury to not be bitter at me and get their votes. But I'm up for the challenge, I'm going to give it my best shot, that's for sure.